108 Chanyeol prawie napisał Anioł. W sumie Chan to anioł.
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Strony : 1 ... 128 129 130 131 132 ... 201
#3227 18-02-2016 o 19h11
131 powietrze nie wie który raz z kolei liczy airowe pkt w przekonaniu, że był błąd.
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Skye (18-02-2016 o 19h12)
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#3228 18-02-2016 o 19h12
87 woda potwierdza, Chan to anioł!
We are in noir
#3229 18-02-2016 o 19h13
132 powietrze przytakuje, chociaż nie w temacie.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#3230 18-02-2016 o 19h13
109 Chanyall cieszy się, że sis zalała mu herbatę. <3
#3231 18-02-2016 o 19h14
133 powietrze ma ochotę odwiedzić jutro swego siostrzeńca, ale musiałabym się szybko wyrobić.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#3232 18-02-2016 o 19h14
88 woda, nadal mnie śmieszy jak ktoś pisze Chany'all xD.
We are in noir
#3233 18-02-2016 o 19h15
134 powietrze zastanawia się, kiedy przyjedzie brat.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#3234 18-02-2016 o 19h16
110 płomień jest mega przejedzony, ale zjadłby coś jeszcze.
#3235 18-02-2016 o 19h17
89 woda, arghh jakie to męczące, nie powinnam jutro iść do szkoły xD.
We are in noir
#3236 18-02-2016 o 19h17
135 powietrze patrzy na liche punkty ziemi. :<
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#3237 18-02-2016 o 19h19
111 Chanyeollie wbija piękny numerek. <3
#3238 18-02-2016 o 19h19
90 woda zastanawia się, co pies od niej teraz chce. Przecież nic nie jem .
We are in noir
#3239 18-02-2016 o 19h20
136 powietrze jest złe, bo znów kicha.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#3240 18-02-2016 o 19h20
91 woda mówi na zdrowie! Skye
We are in noir
#3241 18-02-2016 o 19h21
112 Chanyeollie idzie sobie po herbatę. <3
#3242 18-02-2016 o 19h21
137 powietrze musi zapamiętać, że do 136 pkt ich punkty idą na pewno poprawnie.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#3243 18-02-2016 o 19h23
92 woda nadal nie wie jak przekonać mamę, że pójście do szkoły jutro jest złym pomysłem.
... a może tak zwłoki udawać?
We are in noir
#3244 18-02-2016 o 19h24
113 Chanyall popija herbatę i pęka z przejedzenia. x"D
#3245 18-02-2016 o 19h24
93 woda przegląda tumblra.
We are in noir
#3246 18-02-2016 o 19h24
138 powietrze chce już minąć 150.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#3247 18-02-2016 o 19h27
94 woda jest rozczulonaSpoiler (kliknij, aby zobaczyć)
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Mineo (18-02-2016 o 19h28)
We are in noir
#3248 18-02-2016 o 19h30
139 powietrze nie lubi swego perfekcjonizmu.
Każdy z innym podejściem, jeden ma to gdzieś, drugi pomaga i trzeci się śmieje. (Skaju oczywiście jak ten pierwszy. W znaczeniu poślizgnięcie kolegi. xD)
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Skye (18-02-2016 o 19h36)
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#3249 18-02-2016 o 19h38
140 powietrze cześć wszystkim ponownie, ale pędzicie z tymi postami. :D
#3250 18-02-2016 o 19h39
141 powietrze wita Anikkę. ♥
W poprzednim poście dopiero po chwili zobaczyłam dwuznaczność, sorry, jeśli ktoś odebrał w ten drugi sposób.
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Skye (18-02-2016 o 19h40)
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul