However, isn't it somehow pathetic that first we have to wait almost three hours until the first round finishes and then one person (if you know who I mean) desperately tries to cancelled the competition which HAS ALREADY TAKEN PLACE. Actually, it's the first time ever I see jumpers being allowed to jump again due to the weather conditions. I mean it's good, surely, because both Diethart and Wellinger had terrible conditions (o'kay, actually, conditions were still terrible as they were jumping again), but why don't the officials let Poles, Slovenians or Norwegians jump again? Why the Austrian's coach is always right and the rest is always wrong?
The competition is done, however, and as it's done, it's done. I believe Pointner's efforts will come to nothing. The wind is never fair and he need to deal with it at least as good as his boys do.
Forum -, gra o modzie dla dziewczyn!
#251 19-01-2014 o 18h30
#252 23-01-2014 o 22h19
wow, lillchen wrote a lot of sentences,I didn't read even half of this!
#253 23-01-2014 o 22h21
Sorry, I'm definitely writing too much I promise not to do that again!
#254 23-01-2014 o 22h24
No, no- you can write that what you'll, just i never read so much english, it so irresistible for me that anywho wrote so much...
Ostatnio zmieniony przez sandra88 (23-01-2014 o 22h25)
#255 28-02-2014 o 20h58
I'd like to ask you everybody , If you will fall in love in somebody ,who will be this somebody?
#256 28-02-2014 o 21h04
It sounds like song lyrics or something like that, huh )
I fall in love with photos only. The true love is here by my side so I don't need falling into it again.
#257 02-03-2014 o 19h52
Well, for sure it should be a man like Tom Hiddlestone <3 But a men who have long hair. Gash... I love men with long hair (o course if it suits them...) Nothing else matter i think. Maybe at last he should have nice work, to bring good money 'cuz two of as shold earn them. I will work in pharmacy (if i end my school...) so there will be a segregation of duties in home, so... st like that
Gosh... I love Tom Hiddlestone.
Oh, and one more thing... He should be a gamer too or at last tolerate that I am. More like a big noob sometimes but still.
Ostatnio zmieniony przez AozoraNakigoe (02-03-2014 o 19h53)
#258 03-03-2014 o 19h07
girls, which fantasy books you like? I must know it, while i have not more books to read, and i don't know what can i make
#259 03-03-2014 o 20h25
I love Sergey Lukyanenko's books. Andrey Belanin, too. And Oksana Pankeeva. Russian and Ukrainian fantasy in general, but actually it's up to you whether you choose to read them )
#260 26-03-2014 o 15h11
Thanks, I'll read it.
#261 30-03-2014 o 15h08
Hi, I think it's very good idea. English is very popular today and we should to study it more time. I'm sorry, I'm 13 and my English isn't so good but I will try to write great Haha, see you Miss!!
#262 30-03-2014 o 20h17
Hey, hey, nice to see you here. Don't worry, keep on learning and your English will get better in time
#263 01-04-2014 o 11h22
I think that i wrote this test good... It was really easy
#264 17-09-2014 o 17h01
ludzie piszcie po polsku bo nie każdy kuma angielski
#265 17-09-2014 o 17h11
@Lililawigne1 nazwa wątku powinna Ci coś zasugerować, tutaj dziewczyny piszą po angielsku, skoro nie znasz tego języka, nie offtopuj, reszta wątków stoi przed Tobą otworem.
#266 17-09-2014 o 17h35
Oh god, i feel ill :c
#267 17-09-2014 o 19h53
What's wrong, laureln?
I'm so bored now... Vas happenin', girls (or boys, haha)?
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Majerankowa (17-09-2014 o 19h59)
#268 17-09-2014 o 21h50
Boys? BOYS are HERE??? xD
#269 17-09-2014 o 22h22
Hahaha, yes. For example, JackGreen.
#270 21-09-2014 o 12h36
I think it is good idea.I do't speak good English but I learn because I live in Ireland.
#271 25-09-2014 o 00h15
I don't like english but I must be prepared to my A-levels exam so I have no choice i must learn this beautiful language so I want to talk with us.
So, What's up?
#272 29-09-2014 o 21h21
I love. you translatorof .
English is a little know how , but I know the basis of
Ostatnio zmieniony przez pseudonim8 (29-09-2014 o 21h23)
#273 02-10-2014 o 13h34
Hello girl
What kind of music do you listen? You can write name of song, or band.
I'm looking for some good song, I don't have nothing to listen now.. :c
It can be some of Rock, Alternative rock, Pop, Kpop or something like that.
La vie est belle
#274 06-10-2014 o 15h26
This I suggest you :
Indila S.O.S
listen to the song of nirvana Maybe Some accrue your taste I like the lake of fire
or jam band has a cool rock songs
,,Zasady są po to, żeby je łamać..."
#275 12-10-2014 o 17h55
I know nothing of rock etc, so i can't help you, but maybe look at some youtube radom playlists? For example, search something like "Kpop mix" and click at first. I found a lot of amazing tracks by this way.