Założyłam ten wątek na wzór offtopic- o wszystkim i o niczym.
Czym on będzie się różnił.?
Tutaj piszemy też o czym chcemy ale w języku... ANGIELSKIM !
haha ^.^ wiem głupi pomysł, ale chciałam zobaczyć ile się znajdzie hardcorów ;p
Chcę aby wszyscy szkolili się tutaj i wykazali własnymi umiejętnościami ale jeśli ktoś chcę popisać a nie z bardzo umie może skorzystać z dobrego translatora lub słownika.
wiem zaszalałam ...
Ready ?
Go !
Forum -, gra o modzie dla dziewczyn!
#1 29-05-2013 o 21h08
#3 29-05-2013 o 22h08
Yes, I think so too; d
#4 29-05-2013 o 22h31
Well, that's kinda weird... But sounds nice. I'm sure, that's going to be fun!
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Byakyath (29-05-2013 o 22h32)
#5 29-05-2013 o 22h35
I think so Maybe some people'll improve their english thanks to this.
#6 29-05-2013 o 22h39
Westerplatte napisał
I think soMaybe some people'll improve their english thanks to this.
I'm sure, that I will... My English isn't good enough (for me). And I do not have many occasions, to exercise it.
#7 29-05-2013 o 22h50
I often read manga in english. And I have gained a lot experience while playing MMOPRG, where you are learning english really fast. ;D
#8 29-05-2013 o 22h54
What kind of manga did you read? I read only "Hell Kitchen" in English on some manga site. At times, it was little annoying, cause I couldn't recognise some of the words and I had to translate it...
#9 29-05-2013 o 23h02
Oh, god... I dont understand, sorry! :C
#10 29-05-2013 o 23h05
san20sz napisał
Oh, god... I dont understand, sorry! :C
You have to deal with it.

#11 29-05-2013 o 23h12
Well, there are maaaany fantastic mangas which aren't translated and it's a pity
For exemple: mahwa Ares. Great story, coll characters, drawings are so so (but it's not important!) and it's totally forgotten.
#12 30-05-2013 o 00h19
I know this feeling. I tried to found complete Vinland Saga. It was barely impossible.I hate, when they translate only couple of chapters... Now I'm trying to find comedy, which isn't completely stupid.
#13 30-05-2013 o 00h45
Why first post is in polish? I think you should change it and make whole topic only in english!
Westerplatte napisał
I often read manga in english. And I have gained a lot experience while playing MMOPRG, where you are learning english really fast. ;D
Oh, me too, me too! I almost read only english scanlations and watch anime with english subs.
#14 30-05-2013 o 00h58
Masakra napisał
Why first post is in polish? I think you should change it and make whole topic only in english!
Indeed( I love this word), that's a good idea. Topic would be more "smooth" then.
#15 30-05-2013 o 13h11
By the way, girls, have you already plans for holiday?
#16 30-05-2013 o 13h21
is there somebody who loves english ?
#17 30-05-2013 o 13h24
Maybe not love, but i really like that i know it, and i can watch new episodes of anime faster than those, who don't know it well
#18 30-05-2013 o 16h18
Engslish is fun! But I find funnier how differently I speak and write when the language I use changes |D
I have plans for summer! In fact, my holiday starts on Wednesday - I'm going to Kos with my sister for a week <3 Then I'll be having my exams, unfortunately
#19 30-05-2013 o 16h23
I like english very much, and offten talk in it with my friend or cousin. Moreover, me and my cousin, has wrote a historical fan fiction, based on "the Borgias" it was hard core! Altrough, my english is not so good as her, so she must made a lots of corretc in parts, that i have wrote.
Spoiler (kliknij, aby zobaczyć)
#20 30-05-2013 o 16h55
Kouki napisał
I have plans for summer! In fact, my holiday starts on Wednesday - I'm going to Kos with my sister for a week <3 Then I'll be having my exams, unfortunately
Aww, sorry but only I don't know what is 'Kos'?

#21 30-05-2013 o 17h38
I'm probably gonna die in some kind of dark place... No, but seriously, I have zero plans in this year.
#22 30-05-2013 o 18h46
This summer I will probably go to my family. I will get angry there about one hour after coming, but the good part in it is, that I will read a lot of books there. (No interent, no computer or TV it always makes me to read and draw a lot)
And unfortunetly there is a lot of manga, which are still in English. Like Dengeki Dasiy, The Breaker or Deadman wonderland (the newests chapters).
#23 30-05-2013 o 19h40
Salivia napisał
This summer I will probably go to my family. I will get angry there about one hour after coming, but the good part in it is, that I will read a lot of books there. (No interent, no computer or TV it always makes me to read and draw a lot)
And unfortunetly there is a lot of manga, which are still in English. Like Dengeki Dasiy, The Breaker or Deadman wonderland (the newests chapters).
I thought, that they translate "The Breaker"... By the way: is it good? I heard a lot about it and I wanted to start read it, but I'm still not sure.
#24 30-05-2013 o 19h44
They were translating it. But now it was bought by somebody, so websites like manga-lib had to delete it. I've read only two chapters since now, so I can't tell you to much. But I think that it will be great. No it is really funny and has got pretty good line I think that you should read this.
#25 30-05-2013 o 20h48
Salivia napisał
They were translating it. But now it was bought by somebody, so websites like manga-lib had to delete it. I've read only two chapters since now, so I can't tell you to much. But I think that it will be great. No it is really funny and has got pretty good lineI think that you should read this.
I know now, that Yumegari relased it. Good for me. I like the smell of new comics.
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Byakyath (30-05-2013 o 20h50)