2 demon ma nadzieję że jeszcze wpadnie tej nocy kilka demonów.
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#1877 20-10-2015 o 01h28
Trzeci demon w to wątpi, ale nadgoniłyśmy 5.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1878 20-10-2015 o 01h31
4 demon ma ochotę na 6 Ale jest senny xD
#1879 20-10-2015 o 01h34
Piąty demon też chce szóstego i zagrzewa do walki. xD
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Skye (20-10-2015 o 01h35)
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1880 20-10-2015 o 01h36
6 demon musi wykorzystać nieobecność aniołów xD
#1881 20-10-2015 o 01h38
Siódmy demon popiera. xD
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1882 20-10-2015 o 01h41
8 demon brnie dalej i bije się z niezbędnymi wrogami.
#1883 20-10-2015 o 01h42
Dziewiąty demon mówi, że już prawie szósty.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1884 20-10-2015 o 01h45
10 demon chciał napisać nieobecnymi wrogami ale telefon mu przeinaczył xPLink do zewnętrznego obrazka
Ostatnio zmieniony przez spsr (20-10-2015 o 11h51)
#1885 20-10-2015 o 01h46
Pierwszy demon wstawi staty, ale wciąż nie ma pewności, kontynuowałyśmy od ostatniej wygranej aniołków.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1886 20-10-2015 o 01h51
2 demon żałuje że nie jest na komputerze.
#1887 20-10-2015 o 01h52
Trzeci demon też nie lubi pisać z telefonu i podobne "poprawki" mu nakłada słownik.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1888 20-10-2015 o 01h54
Pierwszemu aniołowi kaszel nie daje spać, więc wpadł popilnować.
#1889 20-10-2015 o 01h55
Pierwszy demon współczuje Misie.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1890 20-10-2015 o 01h56
2 demon cieszy się że ten słownik przynajmniej zapamiętuje najczęściej pisane słowa.
Idę spać, skoro już pilnują. XD dobranoc
Ostatnio zmieniony przez spsr (20-10-2015 o 01h59)
#1891 20-10-2015 o 01h58
Trzeci demon też tak ma, gorzej, że po pisaniu kodu zawsze dodaje spacje.
Dobranoc Spsr.
Ostatnio zmieniony przez Skye (20-10-2015 o 02h01)
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1892 20-10-2015 o 02h04
Pierwszy anioł życzy dobranoc.
Wiele to się nie napilnowałam...
#1893 20-10-2015 o 02h08
Pierwszy demon przerzuci ten bałagan z łóżka na fotele i także się położy.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1894 20-10-2015 o 07h39
Pierwszy anioł próbuje zjeść śniadanie.
#1895 20-10-2015 o 08h54
1 demonowi nic się nie chce.
Ostatnio zmieniony przez spsr (20-10-2015 o 08h59)
#1896 20-10-2015 o 09h18
Drugi demon ma tak samo, a przydałoby się spędzić produktywnie dzień.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1897 20-10-2015 o 10h56
Pierwszy anioł zaraz ma kartkówkę z edb. Nic nie umie. XD
#1898 20-10-2015 o 11h23
1 demon życzy powodzenia XD
#1899 20-10-2015 o 11h41
Drugi demon także życzy powodzenia i dawno się tak dobrze nie czuł. <3
Minusem jest jedynie pogoda.
When the night was full of terrors And your eyes were filled with tears
If you think adventure is dangerous, try routine - it is lethal
as the sky's falling down it crashed into this lonely town
it's pretty clever, but it's got no soul
#1900 20-10-2015 o 11h45
3 demon cieszy się że jego towarzysz dobrze się czuje.